
ICSBP Output

ICSBP 2022

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Best Paper Award was delivered to Dr. Miguel Pérez-Valls (Universidad de Almería, Spain) for his presented paper “The mediating effect of digital capabilities on managerial and sustainable capabilities among digital users and providers” co-authored with T. Bartosz Kalinowski (University of Lodz, Poland), Paweł Głodek (University of Lodz, Poland), Adrian Solomon (South East European Research Centre, Greece), and Jose A. Plaza-úbeda (University of Almería, Spain)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Best PhD Student Presentation was delivered to Sid’Ahmed Soumbara (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco) for the presentation of his paper “Asymmetric effects of climate variability on food security in Morocco: Evidence from the nonlinear ARDL model” co-authored with Dr. Ahmed El Ghini (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)

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