

Office of International Affairs

The office of international affairs is charged with handling student incoming and outgoing mobility, new partnerships, and the development of international programs that promote Rabat Business School.

International Partners

Rabat Business School offers a unique international experience, aligned with the expectations and challenges of the business world. RBS has a diversified portfolio of partners with more than 150 prestigious universities and business schools worldwide.

Incoming mobility for students

Rabat Business School welcomes students from over 150 partner universities and business schools. Should you opt to come to RBS on exchange, you will be introduced to a rich and vibrant atmosphere where education and communication …

Outgoing Mobility for Students

For RBS students, the possibilities of internationalization are endless. With exchange programs and partnerships with a large pool of international universities and business schools, RBS students can partake in exchange programs for one semester, complete double degree at some …

International Programs

Discover our international programs portfolio 

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