Outgoing Mobility for Students
For RBS students, the possibilities of internationalisation are endless. With exchange programmes and partnerships with a large pool of international universities and business schools, RBS students can partake in exchange programmes for one semester, complete double degree at some partner institutions, and even go on internships abroad, subject to approval of the academic department.
These stays abroad help RBS students gain perspective and firm up their tenacity for business and leadership. Through exposure to foreign ways of life, students learn how to interact with people no matter their origins or customs while simultaneously learning about their cultures.
This is part of RBS’ method of immersing its students in intercultural exchanges to develop their sense of culture and self-confidence as well as furthering their path towards independence.

RBS Exchange Rules
- To be enrolled in the second year of the Bachelor cycle, or in the second year of PGE
- An English B2 level (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS)
- Passport: It is essential to be in possession of a valid passport before the choice of mobility is made. Passport must be valid for six months after the end of the academic stay.
- Communication: during the period of enrolment at Rabat Business School and particularly during the international stay, the main channel of communication is the school’s e-mail system.
The only e-mail address used for the transfer of information is the university’s one (firstname.lastname@uir.ac.ma). It is the student’s responsibility to check his/her email regularly and to ensure that it is working properly.
- For all correspondence, always indicate your name, programme and year of study.
All students enrolled in the International Programme in Management must do an academic exchange abroad either in the first semester or in the second semester of the third year. Students in or in the Programme Grande Ecole must fulfil the academic exchange during the 1st semester of the last graduating year.
For Master students, academic exchange is optional (though highly recommended). Master students would go for their academic exchange during the first semester of the last graduating year.

Withdrawal Policy
If the student decides to withdraw from the exchange programme, he or she must necessarily fill the “Withdrawal Request” form (online). Any other form of withdrawal request, verbal or otherwise will be considered as invalid.
It is important that the student provide the reasons for the withdrawal with the supporting documents. This form must be signed and given to the Rabat Business School Student Mobility Department.
Since mobility for IPM and PGE students is mandatory, and in case of pressing reasons, students who are unable to fulfil this requirement must attend the three-week Summer School taking place during the month of July of each year.

Procedure to follow
All university (or business school) selections and placements are done online.
Students choose the partner institution in which they wish do an academic exchange based on the students’ rankings, availability of spots, and on other factors as well.
To be placed in a partner institution, each student must:
- Fill in the Mobility Online form ” information about my choices “;
- Indicate 10 partner institutions, in order of preference, taking into account the requirements imposed by these institutions as well as the availibity of the student’s major.
Placement Dates
- During the month of January, students select the 10 destinations through Mobility Online Platform. The final list is posted about a month after the closing of the set deadline.
- Before mobility
- For each student, the 10 choices are taken into account according to the order. If none of the 10 choices is available or possible, the student is contacted to find another destination and undertakes to depart for any of the remaining available destinations.
- Our partner institutions require official language scores (TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS). Students are also required to fill out the Learning Agreement and have it approved by their Programme Manager as well as by the host institution.
- Students are required to fully complete the online application form (s) of the host institution.
- During mobility
- Upon arrival, students are required to fill out the Arrival Certificate and send it back to the Programme Officer in charge of outgoing mobilities within the first two weeks.
- As an exchange student in a foreign country, you are an ambassador of your school and of your country. Therefore, you should take great care to be on best behavior. Weigh your actions before stepping into them. Your actions represent who you are and where you come from.
- Students are also advised to keep contact with RBS’s Programme Officer in charge of outgoing mobilities. We want to hear from you about your news.
- After mobility
- Students are required to share their grade transcripts (from their academic exchange experience) with the Programme Officer in charge of outgoing mobilities as well as with RBS’s Academic Department.
- Students are asked to fill out an “end of programme” questionnaire which helps us fine tune the process.
- Students are invited to attend Pre-Departure Orientation of the new cohorts.
For stays abroad, students are asked to:
- Respect the rules of the host institution (vaccination, insurance for on/off-campus housing…).
- Carry out visa and banking procedures in order to be in good standing with the immigration authorities of the host country.
- Have personal insurance (individual accident) to cover various risks, medical expenses and repatriation costs.
Warning: Some partner institutions require students to take out insurance on site.
We insistently call to the attention of students that placement made by Rabat Business School towards a partner institution is merely provisional. It cannot guarantee admission to this host institution.
It is always the host institution that decides whether or not a student is to be admitted once the full application form is at their disposal.
Selection of students by the partner institution is done by an independent committee that judges only on the pedagogical criteria of the programme, provided that the application form is complete and is available to them within the required deadlines.