International Talents in Business

The International Talents in Business (ITB) Programme enables a carefully chosen cohort of exceptionally qualified high school graduates to pursue their studies across 3 distinct Business Schools situated on different continents.

This programme presents a distinctive undergraduate curriculum in Business Administration with a global perspective, culminating in 3 degrees from 3 institutions.

Institutions involved in this Programme


Rabat Business School

Rabat, Morocco



Paris, France


HEC Montréal

Montréal, Canada

Rabat Business School, Rabat, Morocco

  • RBS is AACSB accredited and has been ranked by the prestigious QS World University Rankings
  • RBS has been part of the top 100 business schools in the world according the Financial Times “Master in Management” since 2022. This makes it the 1st and only business school in Africa and in the Middle East to appear in this ranking
  • RBS has been accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education since 2014
  • More than 2,700 students, 20% are international students.

IÉSEG School of Management, Lille and Paris, France

  • Triple crown Business School ( 1% of Business Schools in the world )
  • Ranked in the top 50 Business Schools in the Financial Times Ranking.
  • Its programmes are recognized in France by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. 
  • IÉSEG was also awarded the French DD&RS Label in recognition of the social and environmental commitment

HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada

  • The first Business School to receive triple accreditation in North America
  • HEC Montréal emphasizes international exchanges, quality of language teaching and technological skills development.
  • Ranked in the top 5 in Canada according to Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (2023).
  • More than 13,400 students, 27% are international students from 145 countries

1 Programme 3 Degrees

At the end of the Programme and upon successful completion of all academic requirements as set forth by each institution and in this agreement, successful students shall receive:

Bachelor International Talents in Business (ITB) degree from Rabat Business School – Université Internationale de Rabat, Accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education

Bachelor in International Business degree from IÉSEG School of Management (BIB, or Diplôme D’Etudes Supérieures en Affaires Internationales (DESAI) as accredited (visé) by the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) issued by HEC Montréal and Université de Montréal, accredited by the Minister of Higher Education and Science.

Program Fees

At Rabat Business School 

11 620 Euros

At IÉSEG School of Management 

At HEC Montréal

Application requirements

Rabat Business School
(Year 1)

Candidates applying for the 1st year at RBS, shall apply meet the following requirements:

  • Must have earned a high school degree (or equivalent) with the mention “high honours” (mention Bien)
  • Must sit for a competitive examination composed of 2 parts in English & French:

1- Written exam 

  • Logical and Numerical Thinking
  • Cultural Awareness 
  • Mathematics

2- Oral exam 


Steps to follow in order to apply:

Step 1: Pre-application on the UIR website:

Application Link

Step 2: Preparation of the online application form

Step 3: Choice of the desired application path(s)


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